Refinancing Home Mortgages to Extend Your Term

A mortgage is basically like a giant house-sized savings account. The "savings" is your home equity, which is the appreciation of the value of your home and the amount of principle you have
paid off of your mortgage. The rest of the money is paying interest to the bank for lending you the money. Mortgage math is really quite simple. Say you took out a 30 year fixed mortgage 10 years ago. You've put money towards your interest and principle and your home has increased in value. If interest rates are lower than they were when you bought your home, you can refinance and take out another 30 year fixed mortgage. You are now borrowing less than you had to when you first bought your home, at a lower interest rate, spread out over more time. Your monthly payment is likely to drop considerably. In this situation, depending on your financial situation, you may also want to refinance into a shorter term loan so you can pay off your home that much more quickly.


Unknown mengatakan...

Such a good advice for people who want to extend their term

Anonim mengatakan...

As a general rule, refinancing home mortgages truly only works if the interest rates are low, and if it saves lots of money which would have else been used to pay off the monthly recurring bills on the current loan. In addition, by refinancing home mortgages one is able to get better credit because he will be able to make your payments quicker.

Unknown mengatakan...

This endeavor will certainly help one who is new to this mortgaging. Throwing light on Second Mortgage and its justification whether it is needed or not is quite appreciable.. good work.

Products mengatakan...

The article is really good if u ask my rating for this article for 5 out 5 I will shurely give 4 Ratings Because the article contains maximum required information which really helps any one if they come across this article for information

Anonim mengatakan...

Good article thanks for giving advice about Refinancing Home Mortgages to Extend Your Term

DIHAN mengatakan...

More favourable lending conditions may reduce overall borrowing costs. Refinancing is used in most cases to improve overall cash flow.

ARTICLES mengatakan...

The best article regarding home mortgage to extend your term. And i agree with the above person that favorable lending conditions do reduce overall borrowing costs. Thanks for the info.

Anonim mengatakan...

although a short article. but this is called the article a short solid and reliable.

anjuman06 mengatakan...

A great article about the Refinancing Home Mortgages. Thank you.

Anonim mengatakan...

A brief and informative explanation. Great for people like me, who are new at this thing and want to read simple explanations about it.

Silvergirl mengatakan...

you can choose the long term mortgage if you cant pay in short term..

Admin mengatakan...

thanks for your advice

rahulrajmehra mengatakan...

cash flow can be improved by refinancing

MD.HAFIZUR RAHMAN mengatakan...

Thanks for this article its very helpful to me.

SH mengatakan...

Its really helpful for me after reading this article thanks for the great article

Unknown mengatakan...

Term is really matter how financially sound you are in refinancing home mortgage. You can pay it for a long period or pay it within a specific period.

Zakariae mengatakan...

it's really very intersting,thank you for this arcitle.i will use these informations...

Unknown mengatakan...

Thanks for sharing, i will share this to some of my friends that's into this kind of activity. Hoping for more updates. Thanks!

Unknown mengatakan...

This information is very useful... It would help out many confused people regarding mortgage refinancing. Thanks for sharing

Products mengatakan...

The article is really good if u ask my rating for this article for 5 out 5 I will shurely give 4 Ratings Because the article contains maximum required information which really helps any one if they come across this article for information

Master mengatakan...

Well written article with the perfect info. Thank you very much.

Unknown mengatakan...

As you mentioned in your post mortgage is like a big saving account and you can term it for a longer period if you are not in a position to pay in near future, nice informative post.

Unknown mengatakan...

great tips again..thanks..i'll try this tips

Unknown mengatakan...

Many homeowners pay their mortgages on time but are not able to refinance to take advantage of today’s lower mortgage rates perhaps due to a decrease in the value of their home.

Zakariae mengatakan...

The article is really good Thanks for this article its very helpful to me.thaks for sharing...

Unknown mengatakan...

Yeah refinancing has lot of benefits than i expected. i can earn as much as i can now with this.. Thanks for useful information..Its time to move on

Sanesh.avasthi mengatakan...

An informative explanation. Great for people like me, who are new at this thing and want to read simple explanations about it.
A mortgage is basically like a giant house-sized savings account. The "savings" is your home equity, which is the appreciation of the value of your home and the amount of principle you have paid off of your mortgage. information,on this blog is very helpful..

Anonim mengatakan...

Thanks for your advice and your information..

Anonim mengatakan...

nice contents are provided in this article,it helps me in taking some further steps.thanks for posting.

Unknown mengatakan...

refinancing at a lower rate is what everyone wants to overcome financial burden.. The step by step explanation is quite well delivered

Ram mengatakan...

The information found tin this article are very useful and helpful to people who are looking for refinancing home martgages.

Anonim mengatakan...

Refinancing home mortgage is also giving you more option on several thing that will help you to save more cash.

Unknown mengatakan...

Very detailed guide and Home Mortgages right now are too low so it's very important to extend your term to make most out of it. Thanks a lot for this guide.

anjuman06 mengatakan...

Very much informative article. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown mengatakan...

awesome article regarding home mortgage to extend your term. And i agree with the above person that favorable lending conditions has to reduce the borrowing costs.

MD.HAFIZUR RAHMAN mengatakan...


Anonim mengatakan...

the article is nice and it is useful to know about these information

Unknown mengatakan...

u deserve 10/10 for your write style . i have understood all thing and am looking for what you talk about , thax alot for sharing
keep it up

Anonim mengatakan...

If refinancing is done with a longer period then the EMI can be less which will not be bothersome.

bUnc@iLA mengatakan...

seems great but it should be favourable of our income. if less income then it may not be suitable

good article

Iyandri Tiluk Wahyono mengatakan...

Property business is very profitable right now, with adequate risk contorol property is one secure business solutions and promosing

Anonim mengatakan...

super article about refinancing,keep sharing.

munna mengatakan...

Here i got some valuable information about house loan.Thanks for posting here like this nice article.

Anonim mengatakan...

money makes the world spin, great article here, it is very usefull !

bunny mengatakan...

thanks for sharing, am also like this, very good advice for people.

Anonim mengatakan...

increasing period of your mortgage is really nice idea, thanks for the information about it.

Unknown mengatakan...

the article is nice and it is useful to know about these information

Unknown mengatakan...

Due to recession many people are finding it difficult to manage their debts.Loan refinancing is a good option.

Anonim mengatakan...

but how if you can't get your home back? because credit jam?

Unknown mengatakan...

refinanced home mortages to extend your term is a userful article for me . thanks u.

blogger mengatakan...

Very very informative one. All the points are covered and explained nicely. keep posting such articles like this.

vijay mengatakan...

detailed guide and Home Mortgages right now are too low so it's very important to extend your term to make most out of it.

Unknown mengatakan...

great article thanks for posting it, home mortgages are quite low these days, we better use this to our advantage

Unknown mengatakan...

While a mortgage in itself is not a debt, it is the lender's security for a debt.

your lucky men mengatakan...

More favourable lending conditions may reduce overall borrowing costs. Refinancing is used in most cases to improve overall cash flow.

Anonim mengatakan...

excellent article. keep up the good work. thank you very much

Beauty Isma mengatakan...

Read this one too, keep posting about this refinancing how as someone out there need this info...

harish mengatakan...

the refinancing home mortgage really helps to extend our term.

Unknown mengatakan...

iam looking for what you are talking about
in this article , its a wonderful explication
nice article

Unknown mengatakan...

Refinancing home mortgages could be the best solution for some people because there are some benefits they can get.

Nic531 mengatakan...

Extend the term may save us some money.

knug mengatakan...

It's a good choice to extend our term in order to save some money

admin mengatakan...

nice article,keep posting. i always read this site..

Sanesh.avasthi mengatakan...

Property business is profitable right now, with risk contorol property is one,of
secure business solutions and promising
You've put money towards your interest and principle and your home has increased in value..

SH mengatakan...

Very useful article mate. Thanks for the information

Unknown mengatakan...

This seems to be a nice guide for home owners especially the mortgages ones. Thanks and Kudos to You!

Unknown mengatakan...

I was surfing the internet for hours in order to find this type of information!I finally discovered this article on this blog.Very good information.Great article.This is useful for all the people, not only for those who want to extend their term.

Killua mengatakan...

this article is so useful for me,thanks man

Nic531 mengatakan...

Before planning your mortgage refinancing, read this article to gain some knowledge regarding the mortgage refinancing.

Anonim mengatakan...

this is a nice article,thanks.

anjuman06 mengatakan...

Good article thanks for giving advice about Refinancing Home Mortgages to Extend Your Term.Thanks.

Unknown mengatakan...

Very interesting article...

Anonim mengatakan...

I have seen Your Blog which is really having a good content with pin to pin information ,where even we can understand very quickly and i feel if any one comes across this blog thier search would end here as the article provid the complete information

Unknown mengatakan...

Extending your Term may cause some financial activity's but this is really good if you have the money to extend your term, and thank you so much for the post.

Anonim mengatakan...

Sometime we need to extend our term because of some financial problem

bunny mengatakan...

this article provide good information, detailed explain, good keep it up.

Unknown mengatakan...

very good article, which has very good information which I am looking for. thank you so much.

Admin mengatakan...

thanks for sharing this topic

kk mengatakan...

article is great and article has some nice intent

Sadia mengatakan...

I think this article is very detail and informative. I have been looking for this kind of article for along time. I finally find it.

Unknown mengatakan...

well explained tips for home savings. very nice article. thanks u very much for sharing.

SH mengatakan...

I will be following this blog closely. I see you put a lot of thought into what you write.

Anonim mengatakan...

Read this article make understand about refinancing

Unknown mengatakan...

A great article about the Refinancing Home Mortgages. Thank you.

Zakariae mengatakan...

a very interesting article, very clear for a beginner like me.thx man..

Unknown mengatakan...

good article every one should read these article it is very infomative about Refinancing home mortgage is also giving you more option on several thing that will help you to save more cash.

your lucky men mengatakan...

A brief and informative explanation. Great for people like me, who are new at this thing and want to read simple explanations about it.

Anonim mengatakan...

I think all this is depend on our age. The older we are, the shorter refinance period we have. So, we should start thinking of refinancing at the early stage.

Unknown mengatakan...

Typically, this amount is expressed in "points" (also sometimes called "premiums"), with each "point" being equivalent to 1% of the total loan amount.

Anonim mengatakan...

excellent article. keep up the good work. thank you very much

harish mengatakan...

the refinancing tips to home mortgage are really essential to extend our terms and it really helps everyone.

Beauty Isma mengatakan...

good writer always provide good writing, thank you...

Unknown mengatakan...

great article thanks for posting it, home mortgages are quite low these days, we better use this to our advantage.

Anonim mengatakan...

wonderful article and superb facts about home mortgages.

Unknown mengatakan...

thanks for this article, i really appreciate your effort in making such a good and informative posts, peace out bro.

Pojok Kampung mengatakan...

in my opinion this article is great to know about home refinancing. Another use of refinancing is to reduce the risk associated with an existing loan.

Kashif Arshed mengatakan...

Sometimes it would be in your best interest to extend your mortgage term but it all depends upon your current situation, nice post in the end.

Anonim mengatakan...

i think it is really nice post.
easy to read and interesting & informative
i think it is good for a lot of people to read this.
keep posting!

Anonim mengatakan...

Nice Advice ^^b
I think you're talented to be a writer ^^b
Reader will never bored reading this, because It's short and Easy to read too ^^b
keep posting =D

Anonim mengatakan...

It is nice to know that you share some information like refinancing home mortgage.

Unknown mengatakan...

this is very nice posting good, about home mortgage facts is good, thanks for sharing ur information, am also like this article.

Nic531 mengatakan...

I believe the length of loan term is depending on our finance situation.

Unknown mengatakan...

nice article,thanks a lot.

ADMIN mengatakan...


The article was really Good with required information i need to say thanks to the writer as my friend was in search of like this article i will shurely share your blog with him so that he can gather some more information which he needs

Anonim mengatakan...

nice article,i hope everyone who read this article like this site.thanks

Audihan mengatakan...

In fact, as long as the prevailing market rate is lower than your existing rate by 1.5 percentage point or more, it is financially beneficial to refinance because there is little or no cost in doing so

Arun mengatakan...

All the situations and solutions to the home mortgage problem was listed and explained elaborately i found this post intresting i appreciate your work

KARACHI PEOPLE mengatakan...

all situation with it soulition in this artical i find this is very help full for me

Sadia mengatakan...

This is really a new field to me. I think I’ve learned more than before from your writing. I think that this article may be very useful and first off all very helpful. I will give 5 out of 5 rating for this article.

Mohamad Mapiase mengatakan...

nice title topic man and nice topic..thanks for share to us

D.Gopinath mengatakan...

I have learned here that to be cautious with mortgages. thanks for this informative resources.

your lucky men mengatakan...

This endeavor will certainly help one who is new to this mortgaging. Throwing light on Second Mortgage and its justification whether it is needed or not is quite appreciable.. good work.

anjuman06 mengatakan...

you can choose the long term mortgage if you cant pay in short term..Thank you.

dollarbux mengatakan...

This article will help lot of people, and it contain very important informations.

Unknown mengatakan...

One of the best value about refinancing our mortgage is that we will be able to extend our term. It is one of the best solution. Great article.

Anonim mengatakan...

the article is nice and it is useful to know about these information

Unknown mengatakan...

nice article, easy to understand, high value contents, i will tell my friends to come and benefit from this blog, thanks a lot for taking the time to inform us about how to extend our term by refinancing our home mortgages

The Legend mengatakan...

Nice article I do believe that home mortgages extending is a good investment.

SH mengatakan...

Awesome article mate. I liked it very much

Unknown mengatakan...

the refinancing home mortgage really helps to extend our term, keep sharing the cool info.

Unknown mengatakan...

i really like this site,thanks man..

Nic531 mengatakan...

Refinancing your mortgage and get a chance to extend your term. You should give it a try.

othox mengatakan...

nice post you made, keep post like this..

Admin mengatakan...

Nice job. I can see you are very competent about what you write. I will be looking for more posts by you.

John mengatakan...

i liked this article, it's full of great information , i will tell my friend about this blog to come and read and benefit from the great information, thanks for posting

Zakariae mengatakan...


Dan mengatakan...

I agree,it's quite simple really once someone explained it to you:P

Anonim mengatakan...

I agree with all of your information and I enjoyed reading this thanks.

Unknown mengatakan...

Nice advice, helps a lot for a newbie like that currently learning this areas of expertise

hans jurgen mengatakan...

thanx, i've got enough information here,,

DIHAN mengatakan...

By refinancing an adjustable-rate mortgage into a fixed-rate one, the risk of interest rates increasing dramatically is removed, thus ensuring a steady interest rate over time

Unknown mengatakan...

the article contains maximum required information which really helps any one if they come across this article for information

Unknown mengatakan...

I agree with your advise. and this article contain full of information.

anjuman06 mengatakan...

It is nice to know that you share some information like refinancing home mortgage.I agree with your advise. and this article contain full of information.Thank you.

Anonim mengatakan...

I was searching for this type of article even your post helped me with providing some more information which even saved some of my time for coming across your blog really thanks for the post.

Unknown mengatakan...

it is such a good article about Refinancing Home Mortgages i like these article i was searching these kind of article thank you for sharing these kind of article

DIHAN mengatakan...

More favourable lending conditions may reduce overall borrowing costs.

Anonim mengatakan...

the article is nice and it is useful to know about these information

Master mengatakan...

Refinancing home mortgage is very helpful in extending the term. This article illustrated the topic perfectly. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown mengatakan...

great content as always you are a great writer and you know what i pay attention to every word you write because all the info that you have stated on this blog so far is so very true !! thanks for posting

Jeesh mengatakan...

thanks for giving this type of article for us

ADMIN mengatakan...

I was searching for this type of article even your post helped me with providing some more information which even saved some of my time for comming accros your blog really thanks for the post

ballab mengatakan...

thanks for the nice article.. it is really informative.. keep up the good work

Unknown mengatakan...

useful knowledge I acquired after reading your blog, thank you for this useful article

KAMRUL AHSAN mengatakan...

A very nice and realistic article that describe the advantages of mortgage refinancing .information provide to us, which is very useful.thanks a lot.

Products mengatakan...


The article was really Good with required information about Refinancing Home Mortgages to Extend Your Term i need to say thanks to the writer as my friend was in search of like this article i will shurely share your blog with him so that he can gather some more information which he needs

SH mengatakan...

Great article mate. Thanks for publishing

Job mengatakan...

This is a very well written and informative article. I got some valuable things from here.

Unknown mengatakan...

Besides extending the terms,one of the reason we doing refinancing is to reduce our debts burden.

Unknown mengatakan...

nice advice for people like me, who want to extend my term

kal_age mengatakan...

great explanation on extending mortgage terms, good job

Products mengatakan...

According to me The article was really Good with required information i need to say thanks to the writer as my friend was in search of like this article i will shurely share your blog with him so that he can gather some more information which he needs

Unknown mengatakan...

u deserve 10/10 for your write style . i have understood all thing and am looking for what you talk about , thax alot for sharing
keep it up

kal_age mengatakan...

it is a good idea to refinance the mortgage loan

Unknown mengatakan...

Nice blog and you give good information. I got some valuable information in your blog.Thanks for posting and sharing your article in Refinancing Mortgage topic

Unknown mengatakan...

thank u excellent article nice information provide to us, briefly explanation, thanks a lot.

Anonim mengatakan...

this article is very informative with very valuable information because i was preparing to refinance my home mortgage

Unknown mengatakan...

Many homeowners pay their mortgages on time but are not able to refinance to take advantage of today’s lower mortgage rates

Enjie mengatakan...

Home is one of our asset. Refinancing home mortgage sure can extand our term

Unknown mengatakan...

I think refinancing is the answer to most financial problems right now, because it's liquidity is really fast and you can recover fast enough to be able to solve your problems again. Thanks You!

Anonim mengatakan...

Nice job. I can see you are very competent about what you write. I will be looking for more posts by you.

rehan mengatakan...

It's true that mortgage refinancing is like a saving account for you and you can extend it for longer terms to gain benefits but it's very much depend on your current situation, very informative post.

Unknown mengatakan...

I think that refinancing would work for many people who are looking for the best solution and now i learn that time factor also comes into key role play.nice tips must follow to achieve secure refinancing.

Nic531 mengatakan...

One of the factor people choose to refinance their mortgage is to extend the loan terms. By extending the terms for the loan, the owner able to save some money and at the same time reduce their debts.

Unknown mengatakan...

to obtain the benefits of refinancing that we do, we must do so in good time to consider interest rates and the use of funds obtained from refinancing is wise, so we do not regret having made the decision to refinancing our house ..

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